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SAVING EACH OTHER: A Mystery Illness - A Search for a Cure - A Mother Daughter Love Story continues with new chapters, next steps, challenges, and discoveries ahead. Look for Momtrepreneurial advice, daughterly musings on this and that, a guest blog now and then, and a few useful mantras (or “Momtra”s). We hope you’ll find something that feeds your search, empowers you, and reminds everyone that we’re all in the journey together.    

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Originally published on Huffington Post, 5/17/13

If you've been hungry lately for some soul-charging inspiration -- or for a cookbook by a true Master Chef -- I highly recommend Christine Ha's Recipes from My Home Kitchen (just published by Rodale Press).

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Oh, the lovely month of May—a time for wishing all my fellow moms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day! 

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The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation’s mission is to fund basic science research to find answers that will lead to prevention, clinical treatments, and an eventual cure for NMO Spectrum Disease.

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